Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My interpretation of Love

I don’t know what to tell you, because it seems like words are overrated these days.

I guess because it’s the IT age, everyone seems to be talking, chatting, twittering, messaging, texting but no one is listening.

A man is valued by what he says, and later condemned by the words of another.

So let me make myself clear and I hope you listen.

So am done. Done holding on to your every word.

Clinging on to breath for air, not realising the breath you breathe is toxic CO2 hazardous to my lungs.

Am done looking to your face for approval. ‘Oh how can I please you more?’ Please, please yourself, those are thoughts of the past.

Am liberated from those thoughts which kept me bound with chains of my own ignorance.

Am done believing you like you are the gospel.

Just because you say you love me, then it must be true right?

Not fully understanding what love should feel like, but trusting that you did.

Not knowing you hadn’t a clue what the word ever meant, but taking your cue from the fools before you.

Others like me have degraded words into sounds without meaning.

Into mere slangs like ‘LOL’, ‘totally’, ‘right’, ‘yeah’, ‘I love you’ ... ‘you know what I mean?’

Well no, I don’t know what you mean, cause you don’t mean what you say.

Love should enlighten, but I was lost in the dark.

Love is patient and kind, more word you’re unfamiliar with.

It doesn’t envy or boast, but your’s had jealousy and free guilt trips as side effects.

Love puts others first independent of gender.

It isn’t easily angered, so don’t step up to me saying the reason you boil up easily is because I put you on hot coals.

I won’t stick around for ‘True Lies’ the sequel, for I am attracted to the Truth, the way , the life.

Lastly, love keeps no records of wrongs.

So I will spit you out like a cold cup of bitter coffee allowing you to wash away like dirt on yesterdays laundry.

Letting go of your sweet empty words, and holding on to Him who loved me before my birth, then  gave up His life in order to save mine and now intercedes for me 24/7.

So, if you think you love me, you better be able to match HIS, otherwise just Shut Up!

©SweetestRuby 2012

1 comment:

  1. i guess you were not happy at this time and frustrated.There are some secret which bible did not say i took jesus place and died i still feel the pain till today on the rib side since 1999.but am better
    well your ego prevented you from expressing yourself.i use to chat with you on facebook but you did not respond only when it was convenient and to remove the sadness from you.IF Only you cried out oh save me.THE BIBLE WHOSOEVER CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED.
    i never for once judged you because i saw perfection in you then not knowing there was another side i did not see.However i still loved you.i even tried to meet up but i did not know how you will react in case you were in a relationship.The indifference you thought i had at this time for you was not lack of care it was just respect and reverence.i did not want to hurt you,however this words are like the wounds of a friend and they hurt me but it is was as a result of you having the pre conceived notion that i did not never told me once you loved me. but back in school i did not tell u too but i made u feel it my love in full and you ran.i almost went into a slight depression when you left but as celin deon wrote a song for us"its all coming back to me now,,,she said... had to barnish every memory you and i had ever was for my good and yours.And by the way i recall a memory of a girl like you in primary school class 1 i need closure whether it was you.
