Monday, December 13, 2010

The guy with sleepy eyes

I met this guy with sleepy eyes

Never knew if he was half awake or half asleep
People say the eyes are the gate way to the soul
But seems that gateway is closed.

I met this guy with sleepy eyes
And I couldn’t read his heart.
I’ve seen most all before,
Brown, blue and even green,
But this guy with half shut eyes
I never really could tell.

I’d seen the ones who’d squint for fun
And some …you’d better run!
I’d seen the ones who’d only stare,
While hidden behind shades.
The ones who say it in one glance
And those that lose their chance.
But this half open half shut ones
I couldn’t quite grasp it’s tell.

Whether happy or sad
Ecstatic or mad
It was never out of place
Like something fixed in space
It seemed so unaffected
cos it never lost it's pace.

I met this guy with sleepy eyes,
Never knew if he was half awake or half asleep.
The eyes are the gate way to the soul,
And now I think that is really so.

©SweetestRuby 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Life - In loving memory

Some say life is short,
Some say it’s the longest thing you’ll ever have to do,
But when your time is up it’s up.
It’s not about the length of years lived,
but the quality of the life you led.
The legacy left for the unborn to follow.
And memories for the living to cherish.

Some say life is a race,
And the best of life goes to the fittest.
But what are you preparing to face,
When the bell rings, and you go home.

This life we live is so fragile.
And living it without God is like juggling eggs with spikes in your palms.
Life is way too fragile to steer away from the potters hands.
For only he knows how best to protect us,
And ensure these lives we live count.

Some say life is short.
I disagree.
Life was there before our birth,
and can’t be stopped by death.
Yes, Life in this mortal body is short,
When compared to the eternity we live for after.
Let your life count!
Don’t be found wanting.

Ruby Love x

In loving memory of a good friend Miss M. Sanusi. RIP

©SweetestRuby 2011

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Book Review : Diligent Waitress by Yewande Erinle

 Diligent Waitress (Hadassah’s story)

The ‘Diligent Waitress’ is a new Christian fiction novel by Nigerian author Yewande Erinle. The book introduces us to a Christian author, Dami who while on her way to her publisher’s office has to stop at a breakfast shop. Here she meets the shops waitress and they begin to talk. The waitress tells the writer her life’s story which turns out to be a gift from God for Dami, who is always in search of new characters and stories for her books.

In this story, we see how the Holy Spirit takes Hadassah through her life’s journeys; childhood, teenage years, adulthood and, marriage. The book details the specific teachings the Holy Spirit gave Hadassah during each trail, it shows the intimacy between her and the Holy Spirit and the love the Holy Spirit had for her, the same love He has for us. This book will create the desire to walk even more closely with the Holy Spirit in any young girl or woman who reads it and it will inspire parents to teach their children in the way of the Lord with the assurance that they would not depart from it when they grow older.

This book is currently being sold on amazon.

Check out Yewande Erinle’s website for more short stories.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Stop the madness!!  
This is madness! 
I mean it has to be … right?
Cos I have never seen a scene so crazy,
this has got to be the height
What r we all doing here? 
Is this a game to you?
And what did I just hear u say? 
You’ve just lost the right to talk!
U dress the part and got you’ve the walk,
But u ain’t got me fooled!
Cos when it truly comes down to it, I can see u ain’t got a clue.
You curse your fathers, and cheat your brothers, n turn the sisters’ blue.
Then turn to God declaring your right, forgetting His kids you’ve hurt.
Then go back home forgetting to quickly, you  do it all again.
With this new world comes a whole new lifestyle, a new approach and change
But one thing we mustn’t forget is that God is still the same!  

©SweetestRuby 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

On the bus

Sitting on the bus home,
while the rain drops drum against the window.
Filtering through my thoughts,
Thinking of words to write.
“Me, rain, wet, late, tired, home, bed, TV, thanks, God” are a few that popped into my mind.
Then I remember in all things I am to give thanks.
Well today, I got job rejection,
Borrowed my bus fare,
then gave out my change for tomorrows bus,
Got soaked in rain while I ran to the bus stop,
then missed the bus!
Now an hour later, am on the bus home thinking of words to write.
In all things give thanks

So am thankful because after the rain, I’ll have a roof,
For journey mercies,
That I can even feel the rain on my skin,
and that I didn’t catch a cold.
That I have a warm bed and the grace to see today.

Too often these things are taken for granted, and all our eyes notice are the things that oppose our plans.
I have come to this understanding, that the rain will fall, the sun will dry it up, the young will grow, and sometimes bad things happen, but they’ll never outweigh the good.

Situation may change you or you can change your situation.
The seasons will change whether we are joyful or full of self pity.
So I release my pen to write my words, discerning in my heart their usefulness. 

©SweetestRuby 2010

Educate Me

It’s been around for decades,
People learn new things everyday
But what have you learned this week?
My 4 year old niece said when asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, she wanted to be Cheryl Cole.
Not like Cheryl Cole,
Since she could be whatever she put I mind to
She’d magically transform into this picture perfect person at 21.
Not realizing that the texture of her hair,
And colour of her skin not only told the story of her past,
But had a little to do with her future.
So what have u learned today?
That a pop star is back in rehab
Or that Hollywood star left his wife
Or the erratic weight chart of tv personalities.
We know more about celebrity lifestyles, than our own
When asked what’s your favorite colors
I hear its nude ‘because the lady goes gaga for it’.
We listen to Obama and Cameron
And complain about the changes
But too lazy to do anything about it
Anyway the laws won’t be in place for another 10 yrs
Just in time for Junior to suffer the brute.

‘Education isn’t everything’… I hear
The modern world needs entertainment!
A needed distraction while the government sends the country to hell
In the days of old,
The people where rightly educated by the God they worshipped
I guess it the same these days
Not much has changed
Cos I know what u worship
What we all do
What gives us comfort, assurance and encouragement by a flick
Like a shrine, it’s taken center stage in our homes
Every seat arranged strategically directly straight for daily reference
But Iet’s choose to rebel!
Against fashion, and home décor norm.
 I’ll tell my kids, in times of emergency switch off the box and open the book!
Cos Obama and Cameron will lie
Your trust can not be in any one man
Or tattooed freaks, with bronze or gold teeth,
No, it won’t be better after a couple more drinks
But in the God who created man!
Let me educate you that u may live long
In an emergency dial P.R.A.Y-2-J.E.S.U.S

©SweetestRuby 2010

An Education on EVE

Genesis 5:2 'Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.'

Formed from man, but created by God.
In the image of God, His replica on earth.
Not an after thought
Made off two equal parts, both becoming one
 Both given dominion
Above land, above sea, the most supreme of all creation.
And although only him was banished from the garden,
But like the support that she is,
She stuck by her man.
Despite his demotion,
She kept him in motion
Never letting him slip.
Yes, though she fell when tempted
But he fell too!
Sinned because of her ignorance,
For wisdom was all she sought.
Blamed by her protector,
Who beside her stood idle.
Sentenced to a life of sorrow,
Not knowing her tomorrow,
But except that her joys’ would be birthed through pain.
When all she craved was knowledge.
Her passion was for his heart,
For from his rib she was created.  
Not his feet to be trampled on,
Or his back to be ignored,
Or his head to be dominating.
But the bone that protects his heart.
Like the Holy Spirit is the closest to God heart.
She functions in the same capacity

From grace to grass was not what she expected,
But Eve the ’source of life’
She fulfilled her destiny
She birthed mankind
The original first lady.
Standing tall in the face of dys-functionality
 When what once brought her joy now birthed more pain.
Face to face with death, none like she had experienced before
One young son dead in one arm
While with the other waving goodbye to her banished heir.
Still her faith was not shaken!
The mother of faithfulness
For she remembered the words of her maker
‘That her son will crush her head of her enemy’
Holding on to nothing but faith, she birthed the son that would lead us to Christ.
The way, the truth and the life.

©SweetestRuby 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I heard a man once say Goodbye...

Will I miss this place?

Yes, but I have left many places before.

Am I sad to leave?

No, for I have many more miles to go.

See this life is a journey.

A good life is an advancing, progressing journey.

To live well, you must be able to realize when to let go,

Let go of places you have out grown

Let go of people who have out grown you

Let go of ideologies that hold you back

Let go of the fear that stalls you from moving forward.

So this is not just bye, it’s a Goodbye

Because of all the places I’ve left

Here I learnt the most, grew the most, and loved the most.

So although this goodbye comes with a heavy heart,

I can’t be sad, because I know the future can only get better.

It’s not the end however,

True friendship never dies, especially when there is facebook!

Goodbye my love.

©SweetestRuby 2010