Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My purpose

Sometimes I lay in bed and wonder
What is this life all about
I mean, my schooling, my job, my family, their families
Everythings seems like hard work
I think whats the point of life
It seems like a circle, and am looking for a way out
But the spirit encourages me
and this truth sets me free..

I was created just to Give God the Glory
That's the purpose of my life
It has little to do with what I want do
But to bring him glory in all I do
I was created to worship and adore him
To encourage those around me

He said he knows the plans he has for me
He knows all what Iam going through
Though I can't see further than right now
He has great plans for me

He'll give me hope for tomorrow
Joy for my sorrow
Strength for everything I go through
While I keep worshiping and bringing him the glory

So please don't be discouraged by a lie
that you might have heard.
That you have no purpose
You know the devil never ever could tell the truth

We were created to give God the glory
And he'll make a way for you to get to your destiny
We were made for more than just school or a 9 to 5
or to live a hard life in these harshtimes
or just be a bum in front of your tv set
God can make a way of escape if you keep your eye on him.

Ruby xx

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